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Academic Skills & Tutoring

Academic Skills Resources


Any questions or concerns related to tutoring can be sent to:

Math and Computer Science: Drop in Tutoring


For writing support, visit the Writing Center.


TutorMe is an online tutoring service that is available 24/7 to Augsburg students. All students will have 3 hours/week available and sessions can last up to 60 minutes.


  • Log into Inside Augsburg
  • Click on “Moodle” in the left menu
  • Click on “All Courses” in the top menu → select “Courses 2021-23”
  • Click on the course you would like a tutor for
  • Click on Augsburg Tools → TutorMe


How do I access Moodle?
Watch a video on How to Access Moodle – 40 seconds

How do I get matched with a tutor?
Watch a video on How to Get Matched with a Tutor – 56 seconds

Are there policies around tutoring?
*Students – please remember that Augsburg’s Academic Honesty Policy applies when using services like TutorMe

Why is TutorMe not working?
We recently went through an update for TutorMe. If your TutorMe account is not working, follow the steps below.

  1. Log out of Moodle
  2. Clear your browser’s cache
  3. Quit the web browser entirely
  4. Start a fresh web browser, and sign into Moodle
  5. Access TutorMe through Moodle

Email if it still isn’t working.